I snuggle in Dolly's bed.
I play peek-a-boo. Now you see me.
Now you almost don't.
Now you see two of us.
Can you see the two of us in this last picture below ? Zoom in if you can't.
By the way, there is a photo contest "My Pet's a STAR" right now on this site :
We are participating in this contest. You can join in too. Please vote for us if you think we are worthy of being a STAR.
Zoopy and Dolly
Hi, Dolly and Zoopy!
That is a great way to spend a cold day! You are so lucky to have each other!
I went to that site and I voted for your Super picture!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Aww, how cute! When it gets cold here, I just sleep on the couch or if I want to freeze to death, I will sleep in the porch on the cold tiled floors. Nice! The competition sounds fun but can we Malaysians join too? Good luck to you both!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You little pink house sure is cute. Nice to see you 2 snuggle up to keep warm
~ Girl girl
Hey Dolly and Zoopy!
Nice to meet you !!
You two sure know how to snuggle, i wish i had a comfy dog bed like
you two have!!
drop by my blog sometime, i would Love to hear from ya!
Hey pals,
we don't get much of a cold weather where we live, but when it rains, you either see us play inside or OUTSIDE *hehe*
you two sure know how to spend a nice time in doors playing peek-a-boo =)
You will sure get our vote ;)
we are thinking of joining too. Lets see what pictures we will post
maltese paws,
Your beds are SOOOOO nice..!! Good luck on teh contest, I hope you win! (I will go over n vote for you now)
Your pink house is so cute! Stay warm and cosy.
Happy Easter..its cold here we got snow. Have a great weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
You really got a nice brother.Want to trade?
We don't have any beds like those around our house!
oh wow i wish ails could get me a house of my own. That looks so comfy and cosy.
lots of licks
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